Idaho Group Class
Group Class is included for FREE for LIFE!
That’s because we want to be there forever, not just for a couple of weeks. No matter what you do, you get group classes for life! However, you cannot just partake in group class without either One on One Training or Boarding School. You have to do one of those first. This is because we want to create the fairest learning environment for your dog as possible.
If you only did group class, it would be the equivalent of being a quarterback of a football team, and your coach teaching you the plays in the middle of the Super Bowl. Could you do it? Possibly, but it would be super hard and stressful. We want to start from square one and teach you how to throw the ball, then practice, then the game, and only then put you into the Super Bowl.
FAQ about group class
Can my dog just do group class?
You are not allowed to just do group class. We want to set up a fair learning environment for your dog. There are too many distractions too fast. We want to teach your dog first then add the distractions.
How much is group class?
Group class is FREE with any package you do.
How often is group class?
Group class is twice a week!
What commands worked on in group class?
Come, Place, heel, sit, place stays, sit stays, off. Also if you want to learn how to teach tricks you can come to group class and we can show you how!
If I have multiple dogs can I bring both to group class?
You have to have one human per dog. You can only train one dog at once at group class!
Are there aggressive dogs at group class?
Yes. However, owners with aggressive dogs must bring muzzles and are working slightly away from the group.
Can I ask questions at group class that aren’t related to group class?
ABSOLUTELY! That’s why we have it! We want to be there for you forever! Ask the questions before or after group class!
Will there be opportunities at group class where I can talk to a trainer one on one?
YES! The trainers will be walking around and making sure your dog is doing awesome!
Will my dog get to play with other dogs at group class?
We do not let dogs play with other dogs at group class. If you want to make friends with other individuals at group class and have doggy play dates outside of group class that’s great! You’re absolutely welcome to do that!
How long is group class?
Each class is about 1 hour.
What happens in case of bad weather?
The class will be off. Group class is outside at a park so we won’t have group class if it’s too hot, too cold, or raining.
Do I have to RSVP?
As long as you have been through either our one on one training or boarding school you don’t have to register. Just show up!