No matter what commands you want to teach your dog we can help you with Dog Training Tulsa Tips. Basic commands is what we usually start with when you bring your dog in who is never undergone training before. sometimes we have dogs who have already been trained a little bit who do not need basic command training so they can move on to advanced. but we love our basic commands we want to provide you the opportunity to be able to teach your dog commands. so we usually start that out with doing basic once like come, sit, down, place, off and we even do loose leash walking.
Many basic commands are essential when training your dog and Dog Training Tulsa Tips Can help you. many of the basic commands are needed to train your dog. we make sure that your dog can understand the commands that we give them and then we also want to make sure that the owner can give commands and the dogs will listen to them. I would like to dive in deeper about what the basic commands are That we provide in our training programs. I want you to Know what each command is and how your dog can benefit from them. our come command is used when you want your dog to come to you. Our sit command is when you want your dog To sit. the extended set is when they you want your dog to sit for an extended amount of time.
Basic commands really are essential to training your dog so with Dog Training Tulsa Tips Your dog can learn those commands. Our Town commands is simply asking your dog to lie down. we also have the super extended down which is asking your dog to lay down for a long period of time. our place command is ask your dog to sit in a specific location. you can ask your dog to place it on a couch on a log or a hood Etc. when the dog will actually sit there in that place until you release it with command.
Loose leash walking is a great move for when you want to go walking with your dog. instead of having to hold your dog back on the leash your dog with this command will actually just walk beside you on a loose leach. The off command is when you want your dog to not jump on any other human including yourself. this command is very essential if you have a dog who likes to jump because many people feel uncomfortable if a dog is jumping on them.
As you can see we provide many commands on the basic level. if you want to get your dog learning these bass commands please call us at 918-550-5557. Our expert dog trainers will be happy To set you up with a appointment to get your dog’s learning these basic skills. we also have a great page on our website that talks more about our Command learning. so please check that out at We here at make your dog epic is super eager to talk with you.
Dog Training Tulsa Tips | Advanced Commands
We have multiple Advanced command training options for your dog at Dog Training Tulsa Tips. The Advanced commands that we offer is the extended distance obedience command, the healing, watch, stand, they want to talk, focused heel, load up, attack, backpack come on the cobra commander, Etc. as you can see they have listed and many of our advantage commands which I will further talk about later however I want to say that we have multiple other Advanced commands that your dog would love to learn and that our expert trainers would love to teach your dog.
Though these Advanced commands are not required your dog will love these Dog Training Tulsa Tips. Most people just stick with the basic commands however these Advanced commands can be super fun for you and any visitors that you may have. plus your dog will love doing them. I want to talk about some of these Advanced commands that I mentioned. we have the extended distance obedience this command is for your dog to obey commands from a extremely long distance. usually this is a 50 yd or more that you will tell your dog a command and they will listen to you. this is so essential it’s for you your dog because most of the time your dog will only listen to you from a few feet away.
Advanced commands are super fun for the whole family and it is super easy to teach them with Dog Training Tulsa Tips. I was training experts will be super happy to teach your dogs these advanced commands. we have a very fun command called the wounded dog this command is actually asking your dog to pretend like he or she is hurt. of course your dog is actually not hurt they are just taught to act like they are hurt and that can be limping on one leg.
Most of our Advanced commands are not essential for your dog to be a great dog. however if you want to have your dog learn these commands it is super fun for them to learn and your friends and family will absolutely love seeing your dogs to do some of these amazing commands. a very popular Advanced command that we teach most of our dogs is the load up command this actually involves your dog jumping in to a desired location that you may have like a vehicle. many people ask about the advanced command attack however we do not currently teach our dogs this.
For any training need that you may want to receive or are interested in receiving please give us a call at 918-550-5557. Our expert trainers are always eager to work with our dogs that we have in our facility training them new things everyday. to learn more about our Advanced commands please visit our website at We are super excited to hear from you!