As we all know our lovely animals can be trained to perform numerous tasks and have been for many years using proven methods of Dog Training In Tulsa. Dog training isn’t seen in just Tulsa but is also seen across the world and has been for many many years, over 100 at least. One of the most prominent years for dog training was definitely the years of War which revolutionized how dogs are used in forces or any front-facing service Industries. During this war, people learned that dogs were useful for a lot more than just around the farm tasks as proven by the amazing W.N. Hutchinson.
During the War era we definitely learned how dogs can be used as police canines as well as the other parts of the world learned the Same by using proven methods of Dog Training In Tulsa. Conrad most is a recognized individual for helping the Germans learn to teach their canines to become police force canines. Most spent his time in Berlin working endlessly in order to generate greater research and understanding of dog training in order to increase the abilities of dogs and their service tasks. Because of this we now know that dogs are more than capable of completing several different service tasks and still to this day we are learning exactly what dogs are capable of.
An interesting fact about Konrad Most’s Dog Training In Tulsa Though is that in 1914 When The War initially began he was actually arrested by our government and charged with Showing others exactly how they could use his research and understanding to train dogs for the war. With this he was eventually released but went on to join the experimental Institute for armed forces dogs during the second World War, ultimately leading the US to believe that he may not have been on our side during World War II and instead on the enemies.
There are so many interesting stories and information that most people are not familiar with when it comes to the history of canines and how they were used in our society by us. Additionally, most don’t understand that we have been attempting to train our canine companions for many many years and most likely longer than we can even prove or anticipate considering that we may not have recorded proof.
Thankfully, we have grown since that time and our methods are proven to provide a comforting and rewarding environment To help train your dog for many different things, even different from service tasks. If you want to learn more about our specific methods in this new 21st century ahead and check out our website make your dog or you can give us a call anytime at 918-550-5557 to schedule your first lesson or consultation with us today for just $0.50.
Dog Training In Tulsa | Client Stories
The founder of make your dog epic definitely understands exactly how important it is to find a trusted dog to complete your Dog Training In Tulsa Which is why we choose to provide you with first hand accounts and testimonials from our previous clients regarding their experience with our dog training services. Most of the time if you are in search of a dog trainer You may note a lot of trainers don’t provide you with testimonials or any reviews from previous clients. However, we think it is extremely important to provide that information so you can see and relate to how awesome trainers are. Of course if we haven’t convinced you yet that we truly do provide the best, stick around to listen to this article about a few of our favorite testimonials and success stories.
For the very first testimonial we’re going to review this is a definite example after why it may be important to get your puppy into Dog Training In Tulsa to correct certain behaviors before it is too late. In the case of Rooster, as misleading as the name is, an Australian shepherd, who was One and a half years old and who’s energy could not be contained which ended up causing discomfort to guests or people around was able to be trained for better behavior in no time. With this training we provided a set of commands and processes for Rooster’s owner to follow and ultimately you can check out my email on our website but it was successful and their relationship is 10 times better.
An amazing example of how private training can and help you and your dog’s life is one of our clients Stanlay, a German shepard, who underwent a 6 week long private training course And ultimately attended group sessions following the completion of that private training courses. These sessions immensely helped family and his family understand exactly how to handle the state of his Outburst and confirm the safety of those around him. Without the help of making your dog Epic we are unsure where Stanley and his family would be now but they definitely would not be as happy as they are after using our training courses to better their dogs behavior and reactions.
Here at make your dogs at the gargoyle is to help you and your family grow stronger together ultimately to create a better setting and environment. behave yourself that we can assist you with, considering we provide training for something as simple as teaching your dog specific tricks and skills to be able to attend certain activities with their own. Whatever your reason may be, because I want to be able to help you, you must trust us as trainers. trust comes in honesty and most of the time people only understand by seeing what others have gained.
With that, we want you to go ahead and review our website which has tons of testimonials and information regarding the services we provide at If nothing else is needed to convince you to trust our wonderful trainers then go ahead and give us a call to schedule your first lesson or consultation today at 918-550-5557.