We Make
Your Dog

The Path to making your dog epic starts here! You can schedule your first lesson and assessment for 50 cents!



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Dog Training Classes Boise, Idaho | Friends for Life


You can find Dog Training Classes in Boise, Idaho With us make your dog epic.com that will revolutionize our approach to training your dog. we guarantee that our approach is 100% unique to you and your lovely pet and not only will your bond with your dog become even stronger and stronger but also we hope that you’re bond with us will as well for you your pet and any other pets that you may have down the line because we believe in building strong relationships.

With Dog Training Classes Boise, Idaho we have specialized training packages that are designed to fit anyone’s budget and we even have a program that is for scholarships as well and that’s for families that are in need and support. 7 days a week we offer and our scheduling is very flexible. We will fit it around your schedule. Did I mention that this specialized program is guaranteed to work and if not you won’t have to pay a thing but this has never happened yet before.

If you’re impressed with us then share our information with your friends in Dog Training Classes for Boise, Idaho. We promise we’ll take care of them and their pets. Building relationships is our main goal as we craft the program that’s Taylor just for your animal. you wouldn’t believe how much success we’ve had with so many people’s dogs.

Sometimes a puppy May learn aggressive behavior but we can help with that because the last thing you want is to have an aggressive dog once he’s grown more dangerous. We will have patience with your puppy and positively reinforce any kind of behaviors that we wanted to exude. We love your puppy, we love your dog just as much as you do because we are dog people. We will reinforce the relationship that you have with your puppy and they will look at you with nothing but love in their eyes and respect for you and your environment. be able to take your dog anyway with you with our training program we can absolutely ensure that your dog will have good behavior no matter where you are.

And if you want to spread the word about us you can find any kind of information you would like on our website which is makeyourdogepic.com. we have a wonderful website that can give you all the information you need contact you can read our blogs read our fax you can learn a lot from just the website itself but it’s still only a fraction of very tiny fraction of what you can learn with our services which we encourage you to do if you’re having issues with your puppy. would you like to talk to us verbally on the phone then we have a phone number for you which is 208-421-9229.

Dog Training Classes Boise, Idaho | What To Expect

When working with us in Dog Training Classes in Boise, Idaho there are certain things that you should come to expect. We have high expectations for the results that we will provide for you and have your dog acting in tip top shape in any type of environment that you can put it in. Having an angry puppy doesn’t make him a happy puppy. you can expect us to be available for you and flexible for you for scheduling 7 days per week. We can even train your dog to tell jokes on stage.The only mistake you may make with us is not having high enough standards for the results that we will get for you.

In addition to just behavior training for your dog we also provide Dog Training Classes Boise, Idaho people training when communicating with your dog. communication is always two-way between two entities so you and your dog are equals two. learn how to communicate with your puppy in ways you never thought possible and essentially we will teach you how to talk your dog’s language and your dog will never be happier cuz everybody wants to be heard. learn hand signals and vocal commands from us that will help your dog understand exactly what you mean. We also incorporate sign language for the hearing impaired and in fact visual cues make up 85% of what you will use to communicate with your puppy.

For your Dog Training Classes in Boise, Idaho we guarantee that there isn’t a better option for you in Boise because we’ve talked to every single person in Boise that has a dog and that doesn’t have a dog and guess what we’re the best. Did I mention that we also train groups of dogs to behave and coordinate with each other and communicate with each other. we absolutely have the best service in town in the market cornered you won’t find it anywhere else what we provide you. Learning to talk and listen to your dog is going to be key in will provide you great happiness in life as you learn more about your dog and your dog learns more about you.

Our Elite Training Program is top of the line and if you’d like to hear more about this and give us a call our number is 208-421-9229. you can also send this messages via our website we will get those and respond in kind promptly because we know we don’t have a second to waste when talking about the time that you would have with your dog.We can impress upon you enough how important this training will be for you and in your life, less stress less worrying more fun and just a great time for you and your puppy as you grow older together. It won’t be easy but it’ll seem easy after we’re done.

If you’re interested in spreading word about us please tell your friends or share on social media makeyourdogepic.com. Tell your family, tell your friends, tell your coworkers shout it from the mountain tops. That’s what you’ll be doing once you finish even just your first session with us. We can’t wait to hear from you.

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